Design Your Own Gun Rack, Gun Closet or Weapons Storage Room
Due to high demand all orders are taking up to 2 weeks to ship out. For all custom design racks - order by email
When designing your rack, here are a few things that can help:
- First and MOST IMPORTANT, make sure this is a secure location so your guns are safe and locked up away from anyone that should not have access to them.
- Know the wall sizes you want to put the racks on and think about how much of that wall you want to cover with wall panels.
- Know the rough number of guns you want to hang before planning which will also help a lot to know exactly what you need.
- Think about how you want the guns stored, Vertical, Horizontal, a mixture of both.
- Think about anything else you’d like to hang on the racks for examples vests, belts, magazines, gun parts, optics etc.
- Keep in mind anything else you envision for your wall or room such as workbench or table, cabinets, ammo storage, etc.
PLEASE REMEMBER: All of these rack products are completely modular. The hangers can be moved around, taken off or added onto as often as needed. This can be done to make room for more guns or just for a new look. The featured hole pattern in the panels will NEVER be changed so once they are installed, all of our current and future hangers will always fit.

Understanding the Products
Wall Panels
(Wall Panel Specs)
We offer 2 types of wall panels, Standard and Thin. In both series we offer multiple sizes to help fit most applications.
Standard panels (WP) can be used to create any size rack but are commonly used to create larger racks that will cover more space. They require a support bar (SB) part to be installed correctly. These panels can be combined to create a wall panel as large as required. They interlink together to create a strong, modular rack. When the WP-24.36 and WP-24.23 are installed next to each other, the hole pattern in the panels will continue on spaced perfectly to create one large rack. The WP-24.41 can be installed on top of each other and the pattern will still be aligned. But if you install them next to each other or next to other wall panels (WP-24.23, WP-24.36) there will be about 1 ½” space in the hole panels spacing. The panels will still work great but this may affect using vertical hangers that go from one panel to the next. The WP-48.5 is meant for more of a stand-alone rack for smaller, odd-shaped areas.
Thin panels (WPT) are designed for smaller sized racks. They are thinner and only stick out from the wall less than 3/8”. The thin panels do not use support bars but they also hold less weight. These are, most of the times used in smaller areas that require vertical storage for efficiently. They are also used for displays and safe interiors. They can be mounted next to each other to create a larger rack. All the hangers can be used on these panels. We offer multiple sizes with several more being released later this year. The image above demonstrates the break in pattern by installing two 41" panels side by side. Installing a 41" panel next to a 23" or 36" will also break the pattern.
Support Bars
(Needed only on the top of each column of standard wall panels)
A Support Bar (SB products) is needed for only the standard wall panels and only on the top of each column of panels. They are NOT needed further down the rack. The SB's are also NOT needed for Thin Wall Panels. The SB’s feature a row of holes spaced at about ½” apart. This helps you align them to screw into the 2x4 (or other wall supports). This part will also help keep the rack level. We offer them in sizes to match each wall panel as well as s 72” wide piece. We offer Trim kits (TK parts) to install over the mounting holes for a cleaner look.
Picking a color. Our standard colors are Grey, Tan and Brown. The colors were designed so the rack blends into the background to let the guns take center stage. The Grey is more of a darker Grey and will look a little more “armory-style or industrial”. The Tan is also darker and will be a little more of a “warm” color. The Brown color is the darkest in the color line, it adds a "warm richness". All colors look great around cabinets, vault doors and trimmed out with wood.

Building your dream Gun Rack is simple and quick if you follow the steps below:
STEP 1: Measure the width of the wall you want to put the Gun Storage Rack on with a tape measure
STEP 2 : (only applies to standard wall panels) Choose the size of the Support Bar that will fit the rack you are looking to build. A Support Bar is necessary to secure the weapon storage system to the wall. (example: if you want to build a 6' wide rack, choose the 72" support bar. If you want to build a 9' gun storage rack choose a 72" bar and a 36" bar)
STEP 3: Choose the Wall Panels that will build your perfect gun storage rack
(You may need two different size panels depending on the size of your wall)
STEP 4: (only applies to standard wall panels) Choose the Trim pieces for your rack. Trim Pieces are made to cover the mounting strips that show on top and bottom of the Wall Panels once the rack is installed.
STEP 5: Choose the Hangers and Accessories to fill out your completed Weapon Storage Rack
STEP 6: Make sure to choose GREY, TAN or Brown panels and accessories at checkout.
(Needed for standard wall panels only)
Support Bar 23” wide

Item # SB-23
23” wide Support Bar to install the standard wall panels. This part is needed on the top of each standard wall panel column. This part fits the WP-24.23 and WP-48.5. Includes 2 rubber caps and screws.
Made from 14 gauge steel. Tan, grey and brown color, powder-coat finish. The dimensions are 2” high x 23” wide. Sold as each.
Support Bar 36" wide

Item # SB-36
36" wide Support bar to install the standard wall panels. This part is needed on the top of each standard wall panel column. It works with WP-24.36 and WP-48.5. Includes 2 rubber end caps and screws.
Made from 14 gauge steel. Tan, grey and brown color, powder coating. The dimensions are 2” high X 36” wide. Sold as each.
Support Bar 41" wide

Item # SB-41
41" wide Support bar to install the standard wall panels. This part is needed on the top of each standard wall panel column. It works with WP-24.41 and WP-48.5. Includes 2 rubber end caps and screws.
Made from 14 gauge steel. Tan, grey and color, powder coating. The dimensions are 2” high X 41” wide. Sold as each.
Support bar 72″ wide

Item # SB-72
72" wide Support bar to install the standard wall panels. This part is needed on the top of each standard wall panel column. It works with WP-24.36 and WP-48.5. Includes 2 rubber end caps and screws.
Made from 14 gauge steel. Tan, grey and brown color, powder coating. The dimensions are 2” high X 72” wide. Sold as each.
(Needed for Standard panels only)
Trim Piece 23" wide

Item # TK-23
Weapons storage system 23″ wide trim piece that’s made to cover the mounting strips that show on top and bottom of the standard Wall Panels once the rack is installed. The slanted shapes clean up all the mounting holes. This piece easily mounts with magnets and stays securely in place. To cover all the mounting holes, you will need 1 trim piece for the top and bottom of each 23″ wide rack column.
Made from 17 gauge steel, available in tan, grey and brown color, powder-coat finish. The dimensions: 3/4” high x 23” wide. Sold as each.
Trim Piece 36″ wide

Item # TK-36
Weapon storage system 36″ wide trim piece that’s made to cover the mounting strips that show on top and bottom of the Wall Panels once the rack is installed. The slanted shapes clean up all the mounting holes. This piece easily mounts with magnets and stays securely in place. To cover all the mounting holes, you will need 1 trim piece for the top and bottom of each 36″ wide rack column.
Made from 17 gauge steel. Tan, grey and brown color powder-coating. The dimensions are 3/4” high x 36” wide. Sold as each.
Trim Piece 41" wide

Item # TK-41
Weapon storage system 41″ wide trim piece that’s made to cover the mounting strips that show on top and bottom of the standard Wall Panels once the rack is installed. The slanted shapes clean up all the mounting holes. This piece easily mounts with magnets and stays securely in place. To cover all the mounting holes, you will need 1 trim piece for the top and bottom of each 41″ wide rack column.
Made from 17 gauge steel. Tan, Grey or Brown color powder-coating. The dimensions are 3/4” high x 41” wide. Sold as each.
Wall Panel 24" high x 23" wide

Item # WP-24.23
Standard Wall Panel with slot hanger holes. Offers 14 rows across of alternating slot holes. This wall panel is used for small to large wall coverage. Can be configured next to the WP-24.36. Gives great options for hanger and shelf placement.
For the proper installation, the SB-23 support bar is needed for top of each Wall Panel column.
Made from 16 gauge steel. Available in Tan, Grey and Brown powder-coat finish. Dimensions: 24” high X 23” wide. Sold as each.
Wall Panel 24” high x 36” wide

Item # WP-24.36
Standard Wall panel with slot hanger holes. Offers 22 rows across of alternating slot holes. This wall panel is used for small to large wall coverage. Gives the maximum options for hanger and shelf placement.
For the proper installation, the SB part (SB.36 or SB.72) is needed for top of each Wall Panel column.
Made from 16 gauge steel. Available in Tan, Grey and Brown powder coating. Dimensions: 24” high X 36” wide. Sold as each.
Wall Panel 24" high x 41" wide

Item # WP-24.41
This standard Wall Panel is designed for stand-alone area’s, fits 12 vertical rifles across. 24” high x 41” wide Wall Panel with slot hanger holes. Offers 24 rows across of alternating slot holes. Gives great options for hanger and shelf placement.
For the proper installation, the SB-41 support bar is needed for top of each wall panel column.
Made from 14 gauge steel. Available in Tan, Grey and Brown powder-coat finish. Dimensions: 24” high X 41” wide. Sold as each.
(No Support Bars or Trim Kits needed)
Thin Wall Panel 11" high x 10" wide

Item # WPT-11.10
The Thin Wall Panel system is perfect for small areas like workbench locations, inside a traditional safe, a secure closet, RV’s etc…. Fits 3 vertical rifles or other hanger configurations. Great for a vertical only rifle setup. These panels do not interlink with others but can easily be stacked next to or on top of.
11” high x 9 ¾” wide Wall Panel with slot hanger holes. Offers 5 rows across of alternating slot holes. NO support bar (SB parts) or trim kit (TK parts) is needed for this panel. It works great with the VH-SSF- 3.2 stock shelf.
Made from 16 gauge steel, available in Tan, Grey and Brown color, powder-coat finish. Dimensions: 11” high X 9 ¾” wide. Sold as each.
Thin Wall Panel 11" high x 29" wide

Item # WPT-11.29
The Thin Wall Panel system is perfect for small areas like workbench locations, inside a traditional safe, a secure closet, RV’s etc…. Fits 9 vertical rifles or other hanger configurations. Great for a vertical rifle setup. These panels do not interlink with others but can easily be stacked next to or on top of.
11” high x 29” wide Wall Panel with slot hanger holes. Offers 17 rows across of alternating slot holes. NO support bar (SB parts) or trim kit (TK parts) is needed for this panel. It works great with the VH-SSF-3.2 stock shelf. Includes wall panel.
Made from 16 gauge steel, available in Tan, Grey and Brown color, powder-coat finish. Dimensions: 11” high X 29” wide. Sold as each
Thin Wall Panel 16" high x 41" wide

Item # WPT-16.41
The Thin Wall Panel system is perfect for small areas like workbench locations, inside a traditional safe, a secure closet, RV’s etc…. These panels work great to fill in smaller wall spaces in gun-rooms and/ or armories. This panel fits 12 vertical rifles or other hanger configurations. Great for a vertical rifle setup. It works great with the VH-SSF-3.2 floor stock shelves. These panels can be stacked next to each other but do not interlink.
16” high x 41” wide Thin Wall Panel with slot hanger holes. Offers 24 rows across of alternating slot holes. NO support bar (SB parts) or trim kit (TK parts) is needed for this panel.
Made from 14-gauge steel. Available in Tan, Grey and Brown powder-coat finish. Dimensions: 16” high x 41” wide. Weight: 15 lbs. Sold as each.
Thin Wall Panel 8" high x 36" wide

Item # WPT-8.36
The thin wall panel products are meant for small areas like work bench locations, inside a traditional safe, a secure closet, RV’s etc. They work great for stand-alone racks and for smaller wall spaces in gun rooms and/ or armories. This panel is really efficient for vertical rifle set up paired with our VH-SSF, vertical floor stock shelves. It fits 10 1/2 vertical rifle hangers or tons of other hanger configurations. NOTE: unlike the other thin wall panels, when these panels are installed side by side, the pattern WILL continue on perfectly.
8” high x 36” wide wall panel with slot hanger holes. Offers 22 rows across of alternating slot holes. NO support bar (SB parts) or trim kit (TK parts) is needed for this panel.
Made from 14-gauge steel. Available in Tan, Grey and Brown color powder coat finish. Dimensions: 8” high x 36” wide x ½” deep. Sold as each.
Thin Wall Panel 24" high x 3" wide

Item # WPT-24.3
The thin wall panel products are meant for areas where a full rack isn’t necessary. They work great for stand-alone racks and for smaller wall spaces in gun rooms. This panel is designed for horizontal gun display. Because the panels are so thin most of the wall will show behind the guns being displayed. The spacing for the hanger adjustment is closer than normal for even adjustability.
These panels interlink with each other when installing them one on top of the other.
Made from 14-gauge steel. Available in Tan, Grey and Brown color powder coat finish. Dimensions: 24” high x 3 wide. Sold as each.
Thin Wall Panel 48" high x 5" wide

Item # WPT-48.5
The Thin Wall Panel system is perfect for small areas like workbench locations, inside a traditional safe, a secure closet, RV’s etc…. These panels work great to fill in smaller wall spaces in gun-rooms and/ or armories. It works great with the magwell hangers (MWH and MWV) or other hanger configurations. These panels can be stacked next to each other but do not interlink. This model is a replacement for our standard panels, WP-48.5.
48” high x 5” wide Wall Panel with slot hanger holes. Offers 3 rows across of alternating slot holes. NO support bar (SB parts) or trim kit (TK parts) is needed for this panel.
Made from 14-gauge steel. Available in Tan, Grey and Brown color powder coat finish. Dimensions: 48” high x 5” wide. Sold as each.
Thin Wall Panel 50" high x 10" wide

Item # WPT-50.10
The thin wall panel products are meant for areas where a big, full rack isn’t necessary. They work great for stand-alone racks and for smaller wall spaces. This panel is mainly designed for vertical gun storage but almost all our hanger will fit so the different configurations are endless. These panels can be installed next to each other (or other thin panels) and the hole pattern up/down will match up but pattern side to side will be a little off.
Offers 5 rows across of alternating slot holes. NO support bar (SB parts) or trim kit (TK parts) is needed for this panel.
Made from 14-gauge steel. Available in Tan, Grey and Brown color powder coat finish. Dimensions: 50” high x 9¾ wide. Sold as each. Weight 10lbs.
Heavy Duty Horizontal Hanger

Item # HHD-S-1
Weapon Storage Heavy Duty Horizontal Hanger that supports 1 rifle Stock. This is specially designed for large rifles such as 50 Cal’s. It attaches to the wall panel with 3 hooks (instead of 2) and holds the rifles further away from the wall to fit bipods etc. This part is used to support the rifle stock when hanging it horizontally on any of the wall panel products. 2 horizontal hangers are required for each rifle.
Note: this part may also be used for the barrel part of the rifle if needed.
Made from 14 gauge steel, rubber insert to protect the rifle. Available in Tan, Grey and Brown color, powder-coat finish. The dimensions are 5.5" high x 5.5" deep. Weight: 3 lb. Sold as each.
Horizontal Hanger

Item # HH-B-1
Weapon Storage System Horizontal wall hanger that supports 1 rifle barrel. This part is used to support the rifle barrel when hanging it horizontally on any of the wall panel products. 2 horizontal hangers are required for each rifle.
Note: check the opening of the hanger to make sure it fits the barrels. Some accessories such as suppressors may not fit so you will need to use a part with a wider opening like # HH-S-1.
Made from 17 gauge steel, rubber insert to protect the rifle. Tan, Grey or Brown color, powder coating. The dimensions are 4" high x 4" deep, Sold as each.
Horizontal Hanger

Item # HH-S-1
Weapon Storage System Horizontal wall hanger that supports 1 rifle stock. This part is used to support the lower part of the rifle, around the stock area when hanging it horizontally on any of the wall panel products. 2 horizontal hangers are required for each rifle.
Made from 17 gauge steel, rubber insert to protect the rifle, Tan, Grey and Brown color powder coating. The dimensions are 4" high x 4" deep, Sold as each.
Horizontal Hanger

Item # HH-W-1
Weapon Storage horizontal wall hanger that supports 1 rifle. This hanger will support either the barrel/ hand guard or the stock part of the rifle. Wider "U" to fit suppressed guns or one's with larger hand guards and/or rails. This particular part has a wider “U” to fit bigger guns. Includes mounting screw.
Made from 16 gauge steel. Available in Tan, Grey and Brown color, powder-coat finish. The dimensions are 4" high x 4" deep, Sold as each.
Hybrid Horizontal Hanger

Item # HH-HY-BS-1
Weapon Storage Hybrid Horizontal Hanger. The "Hybrid" design features half steel and half HDPE, a high-end plastic composite material. This hanger can be used for either side of the rifle (stock or barrel) and will also fit extra wide weapons. On the rack, these hangers can be adjusted up or down so the rifles sit straight or at the desired angle you choose. 2 of these hangers are required to hang 1 weapon.
Made from 14-gauge steel and HDPE. Available in Tan, Grey and Brown color, powder coat finish. The dimensions are 3 ½” high x ½” wide x 4” deep. Sold as each.
Horizontal Hanger Pair

Hybrid Horizontal Hanger, 3-rifle. This set holds 3 rifles on an angle in the “waterfall” look. It takes less rack space than 3 horizontal rifle but all 3 rifles can still be seen. The "Hybrid" design features half steel and half HDPE, a plastic composite material. This hanger is universal so it can be used on either end of the rifle. Everything you need to hold 3 rifles horizontal. Includes 2 steel hangers, 2 HDPE "U" inserts and all necessary screws.
Steel part of the hanger: Made from 14-gauge steel, Powder coat finish, Available in Tan, Grey and Brown
HDPE part of the hanger: Made from a high density plastic composite material, Available in Black
Total hanger: Dimensions: 4” high x 4” wide 15” deep, Weight: 3 lbs. Sold as set, 2 pieces
Includes: 2 - Steel hangers, 2 - HPDE inserts, Mounting screws
Horizontal Hanger

Item # HHD-HY-BS.1
Heavy-duty hybrid horizontal hanger designed for larger, heavier rifles such a .50 cals. It attaches to the rack at 3 points instead of 2 and holds the rifle further away to fit larger accessories like bipods, lights etc. This hanger can be used for either side of the rifle barrel or stock and can also fit wider guns. The hybrid design features half steel and half HDPE, a high-end plastic composite material that will prevent any damage to the gun. 2 hangers are required to hang each rifle.
Made from 14-gauge steel, Powder coat finish, Available in Tan, Grey and Brown color, Dimensions: 6 ¾” high x 1” wide x 5 ½” deep, Weight: 1 lb.Sold as each
Includes: Steel Hanger, HDPE insert, Mounting screws
Horizontal Hanger on Angle - Pair

Item # HH-S-3A PAIR
Weapon Storage horizontal 3-rifle hanger, on angle. This hanger is used to hold 3 rifles horizontal and angles down so you can see some of each weapon. This same model is used for the stock area and also the handguard / barrel area. Two of part are needed for each set up. They can be adjusted up/ down and side to side for the perfect fit and look.
Made from 14-gauge steel, Powder coat finish, Available in Tan, Grey and Brown color, The dimensions are 6” high x 10” deep, Sold as each.
Horizontal Hangers for 45 Degree Panel

Item # HH-HY-BS-1.45-Pair
Horizontal Hybrid Hanger for 45 degree hang. These custom hangers were designed for panels that are mounted on a 45 degree angle. They mount on the 45 degree but the rifle still sits straight up and down. The "Hybrid" design features half steel and half HDPE, a plastic composite material. This hanger can be used for both side of the rifle (stock or barrel) and will also fit extra wide weapons.
Made from 16 gauge steel. Available in Tan, Grey and Brown powder-coat finish. Dimensions: 6” high X 1” wide X 7 ” deep. Weight 2lbs. Sold set 2 pieces.
Magazine Well Horizontal Hanger 556

Item # MWH-556.1
Weapon Storage magazine well horizontal hanger. Holds AR with a magazine well insert. Rifle can face either direction. Secures into place with the mag release. Fits 5.56 rifles with standard mag well. Holds 1 rifle. Includes hanger, plastic insert and mounting screws.
Made from 16 gauge steel, available in Tan, Grey and Brown color, powder-coat finish. Dimensions: 6” high X 3 ¼” deep. Sold as each.
Magazine Well Horizontal Hanger 7.62

Item # MWH-7.62
Mag Well Horizontal Hanger. This hanger holds the rifles with a magazine well insert. Rifle can face either direction. Secures into place with the magazine release. HDPE insert fits 7.62 rifles with standard magazine well. Holds 1 rifle. Includes hanger, HDPE insert and mounting screws.
Made from 14-gauge steel and HDPE. Powder coat finish,Available in Tan, Grey and Brown color Dimensions: 6” high x 4” wide, Weight: 1 lbs, Sold as each.
Heavy Duty Horizontal Hanger Pair

Item # MWH-7.62
Heavy Duty Horizontal Hanger that supports 1 rifle barrel. This is specially designed for large rifles such as 50 Cal’s. It attaches to the wall panel with 3 hooks (instead of 2) and holds the rifles further away from the wall to fit bipods etc…
This part is used to support the rifle stock when hanging it horizontally on any of the wall panel products. 2 horizontal hangers are required for each rifle. Note this part may also be used for the barrel part of the rifle if needed.
Made from 14-gauge steel. Powder coat finish,Available in Tan, Grey and Brown color. Dimensions: 5.5" high x 5.5" deep. Weight: 1 lbs, Sold as each.
Heavy-Duty Hybrid Horizontal Hanger Pair

Item # HHD-HY-BS.1
Heavy-duty hybrid horizontal hanger designed for larger, heavier rifles such a .50 cals. It attaches to the rack at 3 points instead of 2 and holds the rifle further away to fit larger accessories like bipods, lights etc. This hanger can be used for either side of the rifle, barrel or stock and can also fit wider guns. The hybrid design features half steel and half HDPE, a high-end plastic composite material that will prevent any damage to the gun. 2 hangers are required to hang each rifle.
Made from 14 gauge steel. Available in Tan, Grey and Brown powder-coat finish. Dimensions: 6 ¾” high x 1” wide x 5 ½” deep. Weight 1lbs. Sold set 2 pieces.
Vertical Hanger

Item # VH-B-1
Weapons storage vertical wall hanger that supports 1 rifle barrel. This part is used to support the rifle barrel when hanging it vertically on any of the wall panel products. 3 vertical hangers are suggested for each rifle unless it’s supported by some other means. Note the opening of the hanger and make sure it fits the barrel. Some accessories such as suppressors may not fit so you will need to use a hanger with a wider opening like part# VH-S-1.
Made from 17 gauge steel. Rubber insert to protect rifle. Tan, Grey or Brown color, powder coating. The dimensions are 3.5” high X 7” deep. Sold as each.
Vertical Single Stock Support

Item # VH-SS-1.2
Weapons storage vertical wall hanger that supports 1 rifle stock. This part is used for the rifle to sit on when hanging it vertically on any of the wall panel products. 3 vertical hangers are suggested for each rifle but this part may not be needed if the rifle is supported by a shelf or some other means.
Made from 14 gauge steel. Tan, Grey or Brown color powder coating. The dimensions are 3” high X 10” wide. Sold as each. Sold as each.
Vertical Hanger 3 Stock Support

Item # VH-SS.3.2
Weapon Storage Vertical wall hanger that supports 3 rifle stocks. With built in stock supports.This part is used for the rifles to sit on when hanging them vertically on any of the wall panel products. But it will not work on the WP-48.5.
Made from 14 gauge steel. Tan, Grey or Brown color, powder coating. The dimensions are 3” high X 10” wide. Sold as each.
Vertical Hanger Sideways Barrel

Item # VHS-B-1
Weapon Storage Vertical hanger that holds the rifle vertical but sideways. This part is used to support the upper part of the rifle when hanging it vertical-sideways on any of the wall panel products. Comes with a heavy-duty piece of Velcro to secure the rifle in place. Part VHS-SS-1 completes the set to hold one rifle.
Made from 16 gauge steel. Available in Tan, Grey or Brown color, powder-coat finish. The dimensions are 4” high X 3.5” wide. Sold as each.
Vertical Hanger Sideways Stock

Item # VHS-SS-1
Weapon Storage Vertical hanger that holds the rifle vertical but sideways. This part is used to support the stock part of the rifle when hanging it vertical-sideways on any of the wall panel products. Comes with the hanger and the base. Part VHS-B-1 completes the set to hold one rifle.
Made from 16 gauge steel. Available in Tan, Grey or Brown color, powder-coat finish. The dimensions are 4” high X 3.5” wide. Sold as each.
Vertical Magazine Magwell Hanger

Item # MWV-556.1
Weapon Storage Magazine magwell hanger, vertical. Holds an AR style rifle vertical with a magazine well insert. Can sit straight up and down or with a small slant toward the panel. Secures into place with the mag release. Fits 5.56 rifles with standard mag well. Holds 1 rifle. Includes hanger, plastic insert and mounting screws.
Made from 14 gauge steel. Available in Tan, Grey or Brown powder-coat finish. Dimensions: 3 ½” high X 8” deep. Sold as each.
Vertical Magazine Magwell Hanger

Item # MWV-556-45.1
Weapon Storage Magazine magwell hanger, vertical on 45. Holds AR style rifle vertical to the rack with a magazine well insert but on a 45 degree angle. Can sit straight up and down or with a small slant toward the panel. Secures into place with the mag release. Fits 5.56 rifles with standard mag well. Holds 1 rifle. Includes hanger, plastic insert and mounting screws.
Made from 14 gauge steel. Available in Tan, Grey or Brown powder-coat finish. Dimensions: 3 ½” high X 8” deep. Sold as each.
Hybrid Vertical Hanger

Item # VH-HY-BS-1
Weapon Storage Hybrid Vertical Hanger. The "Hybrid" design features half steel and half HDPE, a high-end plastic composite material. This hanger is meant for the upper part of the rifle. The special shape of the “U” allows it to fit most stocks, handguards, barrels and suppressed rifles. The HDPE insert can be adjusted closer or further from the rack depending on the weapon. One of our stock support shelf hangers are required to hang a weapon correctly.
Made from 14-gauge steel and HDPE. Available in Tan, Grey, and Brown color powder coat finish. Dimensions: 3 ½” high x 3 1/4” wide x 7” deep. Sold as each.
Vertical Stock Support 1-Rifle Stock

Item # VH-S-1
Weapon Storage Vertical wall hanger that supports 1 rifle stock. This part is used to support the lower part of the rifle, around the stock area, when hanging it vertically on any of the wall panel products. 3 vertical hangers are suggested for each rifle unless it’s supported by some other means.
Made from 14 gauge steel. Available in Tan, Grey, and Brown powder-coat finish. Rubber insert to protect the rifle. Dimensions: 3.5" high x 7" deep. Sold as each.
Vertical Barrel Support 3-Barrels

Item # VH-S-3
Weapon Storage Vertical wall hanger that supports 3 rifle stocks. This part is used to support the lower part of the rifles, around the stock area, when hanging it vertically on any of the wall panel products. 3 vertical hangers are suggested for each set of rifles unless they are supported by some other means.
Made from 14 gauge steel. Available in Tan, Grey, and Brown. Rubber inserts to protect the rifles. Dimensions: 3.5” high X 7” deep. Weight: 1.6 lbs. Sold as each.
Vertical Barrel Hanger 1-Rifle Deep

Item # VH-D-1
Weapon Storage Vertical wall hanger that supports 1 rifle. This hanger will support the top end of the rifle when in vertical position. Wider “U” to fit suppressed guns or one's with larger hand guards and/or rails. This particular part has a deeper “U”to bring the rifle closer to the wall panel.
Made from 14 gauge steel. Available in Tan, Grey, and Brown powder-coat finish. Dimensions: 3 ½” high X 3 ¼” wide X 5” deep. Sold as each.
Vertical Barrel Hanger & Strap

Item # VH-BSR-1
Weapon Storage Vertical Barrel Hanger with Retention Strap. Steel hanger with a heavy-duty Velcro strap to hold the weapon in place. Will fit large stocks, large hand guards, barrels and suppressed weapons. Great for safe doors, movable racks and mobile applications. Large surface area for the rifles to rest and protected with foam pad. Includes steel hanger, Velcro strap and mounting screw.
Made from 14-gauge steel. Powder coat finish. Available in Tan, Grey, and Brown finishes. Dimensions: 3 ½” high x 3 ¼” wide x 4 ½” deep
Hybrid Vertical Stock Sup., 3-rifle

Item # VH-SS-3.3
Vertical Stock Support Shelf, Hybrid 3-rifle. This part is the lower shelf needed for 3 rifles vertical. The cutouts will fit most rifles stocks. It uses a special HDPE insert that’s installed with foam stand-offs to prevent any weapon damage. The "Hybrid" design features half steel and half HDPE, a plastic composite material. This model can be used with most of panels except it will not work with our thin panels WPT-48.5 or WPT-24.3 products. The weapons can sit so they are facing toward or away from the rack. It also features a small strap bracket that connects one shelf to the next so everything lines up. Upper hangers are still required to store rifles properly.
Made from 14-gauge steel. Powder coat finish. Available in Tan, Grey, and Brown finishes. Dimensions: 1” high x 39 ¾” wide x 11” deep
Hybrid Vertical Stock Shelf, 1-rifle

Item # VH-SS-1.3
Vertical Stock Support Shelf, Hybrid 1-rifle. This part is the lower shelf needed for 1 rifle vertical. The cutout will fit most rifles stocks. It uses a special HDPE insert that’s installed with foam stand-offs to prevent any weapon damage. The "Hybrid" design features half steel and half HDPE, a plastic composite material.The weapon can sit so its facing toward or away from the rack. It also features a small strap bracket that connects one shelf to the next so everything lines up. Upper hangers are still required to store rifles properly.
Made from 14 gauge steel. Available in Tan, Grey, and Brown. Rubber inserts to protect the rifles. Dimensions: 1” high x 1 ¼” wide 11” deep. Weight: 1.6 lbs. Sold as each.
Vertical Retail Display

Item # VH-RD- 3L
Hanger-L Weapon Storage Vertical retail display hanger, right side. Holds 3 rifles vertical at angle away from the panels to the right side. Sticks out from the panels 12”. Includes hanger and mounting screws.
Made from 16 gauge steel, available in Tan, Grey or Brown color, powder-coat finish. Dimensions: 3 ½” high X 12” deep. Sold as each.
To display as shown in the pictures 2-12 you will also need product #VH-RD- 3L.
Vertical Retail Display

Item # VH-RD- 3R
Hanger-R Weapon Storage Vertical retail display hanger, left side. Holds 3 rifles vertical at angle away from the panels to the left side. Sticks out from the panels 12”. Includes hanger and mounting screws.
Made from 16 gauge steel, available in Tan, Grey or Brown color, powder-coat finish.
Dimensions: 3 ½” high X 12” deep. Sold as each.
To display as shown in the picture you will also need product #VH-RD- 3R.
Vertical Stock Floor Shelf

Item # VH-SSF-3.2
Weapon Storage Vertical stock shelf system designed to install directly on the floor or on top of a cabinet. Fits perfect with the new thin wall panels, WPT-11.29, WPT-11.10 and also works great with all Gallow wall panels. Fits 3 vertical rifles. Includes Stock shelf, special installation bar, bases cups, foam pieces, and mounting screws.
Made from 16 gauge steel, available in Tan, Grey and Brown color, powder-coat finish. Dimensions: 11” high X 9 ¾” wide. Sold as each.
Hybrid Vertical Upper Hanger 3-rifle

Item # VH-HY-BS-3
Hybrid Vertical Upper Hanger. Holds 3-rifle. The "Hybrid" design features half steel and half HDPE, a plastic composite material. This hanger is for the upper part of the rifles in vertical storage. The HDPE insert can be adjusted to hold the rifles further or closer to the rack. Allows plenty of room for mounted optics. Includes the steel hanger, HDPE "U" insert and installation screws. Includes: 1 steel hanger, 1 HDPE insert, and all necessary screws.
Made from 14 gauge steel, available in Tan, Grey and Brown color, powder-coat finish. Dimensions: 3 ¾” high x 9 ¾” wide 6” deep. Weight: 2 lbs. Sold as each.
Handgun Barrel Hanger

Item # HGBH-1L
Weapon Storage Handgun barrel hanger. Small coated rod goes into barrel to hold handgun. On the hanger, the gun sits at about 45 degrees to the wall and at a slight angle up. Supports 1 handgun. Includes hangers and mounting screw.
Made from 16 gauge steel, available in Tan, Grey and Brown color, powder-coat finish. Dimensions: 3 ½” high X 4” deep. Sold as each.
Sideways Handgun Barrel Hanger

Item # HGBH-H.1L
Weapon Storage Sideways Handgun barrel hanger. A small coated rod goes into barrel to hold handgun. Handgun Barrel Holds the gun parallel to the wall. Supports 1 handgun. Includes hangers and mounting screw.
Made from 14 gauge steel. Available in Tan, Grey and Brown powder-coat finish. Dimensions: 3 ½” high X 6” deep. Sold as each.
Handgun Barrel Hanger - Right

Item # HGBH-H.1R
Handgun barrel hanger. Small coated rod goes into barrel to hold handgun. Handgun Barrel Holds the gun parallel to the wall. Supports 1 handgun.
Made from 16 gauge steel. Available in Tan, Grey and Brown powder-coat finish. Dimensions: 3 ½” high X 5” wide X 1½” deep. Sold as each. Weight 1lb.
Handgun Hanger on angle

Item # HGH.1L
Weapon Storage Handgun hanger holds 1 handgun horizontal, close to the wall. Similar to the HGH-1 but this model shows more of the gun. Rubber insert to protect the gun.
Made from 14 gauge steel. Available in Tan, Grey and Brown powder coat finish. Dimensions: 4” high X 3” wide X 3" deep. Sold as each.
Heavy-Duty Hybrid Handgun Hanger

Item # HGH-HY-HD-1
Heavy-duty Hybrid Handgun Hanger. This hanger is meant to larger handguns and/or handguns with attached suppressors. The 2 “U’s” are spaced further apart than our standard HGH-1 models which allows a larger gun to sit more stable. The "Hybrid" design features half steel and half HDPE, a plastic composite material. The HDPE inserts are interchangeable so the can gun can be made to sit either direction. Holds guns flat against the panel.
Made from 16 gauge steel. Available in Tan, Grey and Brown powder-coat finish. Dimensions: 3” high X 4½” wide X 3” deep. Sold as each. Weight 1lb.
Handgun Shelf 3 handguns

Item # HGSH-3.1
Weapon Storage Triple handgun hanger. Holds all styles with shorter and longer barrels. Very efficient handgun storage. For revolvers over to 3” we suggest our HGH-1 hanger. Includes shelf and mounting screws.
Made from 16 gauge steel. Available in Tan, Grey and Brown powder-coat finish. Dimensions: 7 ¼” high X 9 ¾” wide X 8 ¼” deep. Sold as each.
Hybrid Handgun Shelf

Item # HGSH-HY-10.1
Hybrid Handgun Shelf. The "Hybrid" design features half steel and half HDPE, a plastic composite material. Holds 10 handguns. This shelf works will all styles of handguns including shorter and longer barrels. Great for efficient handguns storage. Fits most semi-auto's up to 1911's and also revolvers with barrels up to 3" long. For longer, we suggest our HGH-1 or HGH-1.1 hangers. Includes the steel hanger, HDPE plates and installation screws.
Made from 16 gauge steel. Available in Tan, Grey and Brown powder-coat finish. Dimensions: 7½” high X 33” wide X 8½” deep. Sold as each. Weight 9lb.
Handgun Hanger – 1 Right Handgun

Item # HGH-1-R
Handgun hanger that holds 1 handgun. Keeps it close to the wall panels so the gun so it's easy to see and display.
Made from 14 gauge steel. Available in Tan, Grey and Brown powder coat finish. Dimensions: 4” high X 3” wide X 3" deep. Weight 1lb. Sold as each.
Handgun Hanger – 1 Left handgun

Item # HGH-1-L
Weapon storage handgun hanger that holds 1 handgun. Keeps it close to the wall panels so the gun is easy to see and display. Rubber insert to protect the gun.
Made from 14 gauge steel. Tan, Grey and Brown color, powder coating. Dimensions: 4” high X 3” wide X 3" deep. Sold as each.
Magazine Shelf Handgun

Item # MSH-5.2.3
Magazine shelf that will hold approximately 4 each of handgun and smaller ammo magazines. Fits on any of the WP products.
Made from 14 gauge steel.Tan, Grey and Brown color powder coating. Dimensions: 5” wide, 2” deep, 3” high. Sold as each.
Magazine Shelf 5.56/.223 mags

Item # MSH-5.3.3
Magazine shelf that will hold approximately 4 each of 5.56/ .223 AR, AK and other magazines. Fits on any of the WP products.
Made from 14 gauge steel. Tan, Grey and Brown powder coating. Dimensions: 5” wide, 3” deep, 3” high. Sold as each.
Magazine Shelf 7.62/308 mags

Item # MSH-6.3.3
Magazine shelf that will hold approximately 4 each of 7.62/ 308 magazines. Fits on any of the WP products.
Made from 14 gauge steel. Tan, Grey and Brown powder coating. Dimensions: 6.5” wide, 3” deep, 3” high. Sold as each.
16” Wide Ammunition Shelf

Item # SH-16-10
Heavy-duty shelf meant for heavier items. Specially design sides and back for extra support. Works great for bulk ammunition and bigger items.
Made from 14 gauge steel.Tan, Grey and Brown color powder coating. Dimensions: 16” wide, 10” deep, 8” high. Weight: 8lbs. Sold as each.
22” Wide Ammunition Shelf

Item # SH-22.10
Heavy-duty shelf meant for heavier items. Specially design sides and back for extra support. Works great for bulk ammunition and bigger items.
Made from 14 gauge steel.Tan, Grey and Brown color powder coating. Dimensions: 22” wide, 10” deep, 18” high. Weight: 10lbs. Sold as each.
8″ Shelf

Item # SH-8.3
Shelf, 8″ wide x 3″ deep. Perfect for night vision, optics, knives or anything else you want to put on it. Does have a small lip that goes around the outside of the shelf.
Made from 14 gauge steel. Tan, Grey and Brown color powder coating. Sold as each
13″ Shelf

Item # SH-13.8
Shelf, 13″ wide x 8″ deep. Perfect to hold bigger items like binoculars, night vision, hearing protection. This products does have added support to hold heavier items like ammunition. Has a small lip that goes around the edge of the shelf. Comes with mounting screws.
Made from 14 gauge steel. Tan, Grey and Brown color powder-coating. Sold as each.
Shelf Support Adapter

Item # SH-SUP.1
This hanger is used so a custom shelf top can be attached to the wall panels. It can be used anywhere on the wall panels and has holes so the shelf top can be secured to the bracket. Perfect for making shelves along the top of the racks to hold boxes, cases, and other stuff you want up and out of the way.
Made from 14 gauge steel. Available in Tan, Grey and Brown powder coat finish.
Dimensions: 6” high x 1 ¼” wide x 7 ½” deep. Sold as each.
Display Shelf

Item # Display Shelf
This shelf model designed for display. It is 10" wide x 8" deep and angles down. There is a small lip to hold the weapon in place. Multiple units can be used next to each to look like one continuous shelf. This shelf is great for handguns, bolt rifles and accessories. NOTE: The pistol grip on an AR style rifle may prevent the gun from displaying properly on this shelf. Comes with a non-slip shelf liner. Includes shelf, liner and mounting screws.
Made from 14-gauge steel. Available in Tan, Grey and Brown powder-coat finish.
Dimensions: 4” high x 5” wide x 8” deep. Weight: 2 lbs. Sold as each.
11.4" Shelf

Item #SH-11.4
Perfect to hold bigger items like binoculars, night vision, hearing protection. This product does have added support to hold heavier items like ammunition. Has a small lip that goes around the edge of the shelf. Comes with mounting screws
Made from 14 gauge steel. Tan, Grey and Brown color powder coating. Dimensions: 11″ wide x 4″ deep. Sold as each
Wall Panel Screws

Item # Screws-WP
Bag of 25 screws. These screws are used to secure the hangers to the wall panels. They are also used to attach the base cups on the VH-SS parts. Only Necessary if you want additional screws.
Support Bar Screws

Item # Screws-SB
Additional bag of 25 mounting screws. These screws are used to secure the wall panels onto the support bars. They are also used to attach the magwell inserts into the magwell hanger. Only Necessary if you want additional screws.
Plastic Bin Kit

Item # PBIN-5.6.9
This kit includes a plastic bin and the bin plate adapter. Bin size is 5” high x 6” wide x 9” deep. The bin adapter makes it so the bin can be attached to any of our wall panels.
Made from 14 gauge steel. Available in Tan, Grey and Brown color. Dimensions: 5” high x 6” wide x 9” deep. Weight: 3 lbs. Sold as each.
Bin Plate Adapter

Item # Binplate-1
Bin Adapter plate that attaches to the back of the standard plastic bin so they can hang on any of our Wall Panel products. Fits most bin sizes.
Made from 14 gauge steel. Available in Tan, Grey and Brown powder-coat finish. Dimensions: 4” high X 4.5” wide. Weight: 1 lb. Sold as each.
Locking Loop Hanger

Item # LH.1
The Locking Loop Hanger attaches to the wall panel and allows for a cable to go through the hole and secures the gun in place. These products can be used anywhere on the wall panels and works with any of the hangers.
Includes the locking hanger and mounting screw.
Made from 14 gauge steel, available in Tan, Grey and Brown color, powder-coat finish.
Helmet Hanger

Item # Helmet-1
Helmet hanger, Holds 1 helmet, fits all of the wall panels. Sits about 11" high. Includes hanger and mounting screws.
Made from 16 gauge steel, available in Tan, Grey and Brown color, powder-coat finish. Dimensions: 11” high X 3 ¼” deep. Sold as each.
9" Suppressor Hanger

Item # SPH-9
Suppressor Hanger, Fits most suppressors up to 9” long.
Made from 16 gauge steel, Tan, Grey and Brown powder-coat finish. The dimensions: 4” high X 3” wide X 9 ¼" deep. Sold as each.
12" Suppressor Hanger

Item # SPH-12
Suppressor Hanger, 12”. Fits longer suppressors up to 12”. Includes hanger and mounting screw.
Made from 14-gauge steel. Available in Tan, Grey and Brown powder-coat finish.The dimensions are 3” high x 12” deep. Sold as each
Hook Hanger

Item # Hook-1
Hook hanger that has 1 hook. Can be used to hang items on the wall panels like vests or chest rigs, backpacks, slings, ammo bandoleers etc. Fits on all wall panel parts.
Made from 14 gauge steel. Tan, Grey and Brown color, powder coating. The dimensions are 2” high X 1” wide X 6" deep. Sold as each.
Hook Hanger 4"

Item # Hook-4G
Hook Hanger, rod is 4” long. Supports most retail packaging and also great to hold barrels, uppers and other gun parts. Note, the rod is square and a little thicker than standard hooks so it can support more weight. Some packaging may be a little tight on the hook. Includes mounting screw.
Made from 16 gauge steel.Tan, Grey and Brown color, powder-coat finish. Sold as each.
Retail Hook Hanger 4"

Item # R-Hook-4
Retail Hook Hanger, rod is 4” long. Supports most retail packaging. Includes mounting screw.
Made from 16 gauge steel, available in Tan, Grey and Brown powder-coat finish. The dimensions are 1/4” round rod X 4” deep. Sold as each.
Retail Hook Hanger 12”

Item #R-Hook-12
Retail Hook Hanger, rod is 12” long. Supports most retail packaging.
Made from 14 gauge steel. Tan, Grey and Brown color, powder coating. The dimensions are 1/4” round rod X 12” deep. 1lb ea. Sold as each.
Picatinny Rail Hanger

Item #RH.1
Rail Hanger. This specialty hanger is designed to hang rail-mounted products and accessories to any Gallow rack. Using a 13-slot Picatinny rail, it will work great with almost any product. Sits 2” from the rack to the center of the rail. Includes 1 steel hanger, 13-slot Picatinny rail and all necessary screw.
Made from 14 gauge steel.Tan, Grey and Brown color, powder-coat finish. Sold as each. Dimensions: 3 ¾” high x 5 ½” wide 2 ½” deep. Weight: 1 lb
Hook Hanger 8"

Item # Hook-8G
Hook Hanger, rod is 8” long. Perfect to hold barrels, uppers and other gun parts. The rod is square and a little thicker than standard hooks so it can support more weight. If used for retail packaging, some may be a little tights on the hook. Includes mounting screw.
Made from 16 gauge steel, available in Tan, Grey and Brown color, powder-coat finish. The dimensions are 1/4” square rod X 8” deep. Sold as each.
Retail Hook Hanger 8"

Item # R-Hook-8
Retail Hook Hanger, rod is 8” long. Supports most retail packaging. Includes mounting screw.
Made from 16 gauge steel, available in Tan, Grey and Brown powder-coat finish. The dimensions are 1/4” round rod X 8” deep. Sold as each.
Heavy-Duty Hook and Vest Hanger Set

Item # Hhook.hanger
Heavy-duty Hook hanger and Vest hanger combo. Both the Hook and Hanger are meant for heavier equipment like plate carriers. Also works great for vests and chest rigs. The hook holds the vest away from the rack to fit rear mounted pouches. This set includes 1 of the Hhook-1, heavy-duty hanger and all necessary screws.
Made from 14 gauge steel, available in Tan, Grey and Brown powder-coat finish. The Dimensions: 2” high x 1” wide x 6” deep. Sold as each.